The Podcast: Origin Stories Mini-sode


Kolby and Wren

This minisode, like all of our other episodes, is about history… only this is our history! The origin story of The Good Time Girls and this podcast. Where did we come from, what we do and who we are as business owners and guides. In this episode we give you the lowdown on what we are all about and why we decided to make this podcast.

If you are already familiar with the Good Time Girls, we won’t be offended if you skip this one - but if you are new to the Good Time Girls and want some more background on us, or just can’t get enough of listening to us babble, this is for you!

There is also some information on the Good Time Girls on our ABOUT page!

We want to thank Devin Champlin and the late, great, Lucas Hicks for the use of the ol’ Gallus Brothers tune “Too Bad West Coast Blues.” You can find that tune and more on bandcamp at and and you can find Devin at Champlin Guitars in Bellingham! <3 <3 <3

Kolby and Wren, in corsets, chemises stockings and boots, holding parasols, standing in an alley with old train tracks embedded in the pavement.

Kolby and Wren, your co-hosts and co-owners of Bellinghistory Tours with the Good Time Girls


The Podcast: Bellinghistory 101


History Repeats: The Criminalization of Gender Nonconformity