The Podcast - Ghost Whispering: Chattin' with Chuck

Ghost whispering: Chattin’ with chuck

This episode is called Ghost Whispering: Chattin’ with Chuck, or… Gettin’ Ghoulish with Chuck… or… Spooky Kooky with Chuck… or….


Chuck, smiling with his eyes closed and head slightly tilted back and to the side.  He is wearing a grey suit jacket, pastel green or blue shirt and a pink bow tie, and black rimmed glasses.

In this episode we deviate slightly from our usual programming to chat with Charles “Chuck” Crooks, our friend and ghost-whisperer and honorary Good Time Guy.

Last season it became apparent to us that people were in the mood for ghosts.  Because we are historians, not ghost hunters, we reached out to Charles and said “people want ghosts!” Chuck is here to deliver.

Join us in our chat with Chuck and hear all about who he is, his philosophies about the realm of spirits, and his new Bellingham Ghost Tours.  We got answers to all our questions about:  ghost cats, ghost tropes, ghost therapy, energy imprints, EVPs, Sycamore Square, reincarnation of Real Housewives, and other random but related spooky kooky stuff. 

Warning:  this was our first attempt at recording in a remote location and with a third person and some ghosts got in the machinery and things got a little weird! (In other words, sorry about the sound.)


Chuck and Wren seated on either side of a coffee table with a tarot card spread and candles on it.  Wren is laughing and holding a can of cider.  Chuck has his back to the camera and is wearing a trucker hat and a flannel shirt.

Wren getting a tarot reading by Chuck after the interview


Bellingham ghost tours

We are delighted that we were able to convince Charles to bring back “ghost hunting” options to the people of Bellingham.  Our Gore & Lore Tours are full of fun spooky history and while we tell ghost stories, we are not “ghost hunters” and spirits do not tend to reveal themselves on our tours.  History is our focus, and we leave the communication with the beyond to experts like our friend Charles Crooks, of Bellingham Ghost Tours!   

Charles has been our spirit-world connection here in Bellingham for many years, the EVP’s  you heard on our tours are courtesy of him. If you haven’t already you can come see us for the creepy history and learn about who you might encounter when you take Chuck’s Tour!

Now you can get hands-on experience with EVPs and other ghost detecting gadgets, in the heart of the historic Fairhaven neighborhood, aka Bellingham’s haunted hot-spot. 

Aura photo of Chuck.  Rainbow-glowy light surrounds smiling, bespectacled, bearded Chuck.  Black background.

As always we want to thank Devin Champlin and the late, great, Lucas Hicks for the use of the ol’ Gallus Brothers tune “Too Bad West Coast Blues.” You can find that tune and more on Bandcamp! Also you can find Devin on Bandcamp and at Champlin Guitars in Bellingham! <3 <3 <3


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